Outset Charcoal Chimney BBQ Grill Starter
Outset Charcoal Chimney BBQ Grill Starter is a safe and effective alternative to lighter fluid. Get your coals started quickly by filling the bottom with newspaper or starter cubes and the top with charcoal and light. It’s that simple to have your food flavored with the taste of charcoal and not lighter fluid. The wood handle and heat shield protect your hands from the heat and the Zinc construction ensure long lasting durability.
Safe and effective alternative to lighter fluid that lets you enjoy the smoky charcoal flavor of your food
- Fill the bottom with newspaper or starter cubes and the top with charcoal to get the coals going quickly
- Wood handle and heat shield ensures your hands are protected from the heat
- Zinc construction for long lasting durability
- Holds 5lbs of charcoal at a time